The sense amplifier's hierarchical architecture can be used, not only to make the signals amplified to true digital signals, but also to add the drive of the circuits. 利用两级敏感放大器的层次式结构,一方面使第一级放大的信号成为真正的数字信号,另一方面增加了电路的驱动能力。
This paper addresses the problem of automatic modulation recognition of digital signals. A classification method based on relevance vector machine ( RVM) is developed. 针对数字信号的调制方式识别问题,给出了一种基于相关向量机的分类方法。
In order to convert the digital signals into corresponding gamma voltages and send them to output buffer, we need a DAC circuit in the design of LCD source driver. 在LCD源驱动芯片设计中,为了将输入的数字信号转换成对应的灰阶电压,送到输出缓冲进行输出,需要一个数模转换电路。
Device for converting digital signals into analogue signals. 把数字信号转换成对等信号的装置。
A unit capable of converting digital signals into a continuous signal ready for input into an analog computer. 将数字信号转换成连续信号(模拟量)的设备,它为将信号输入模拟计算机作准备。
And some in rural areas could not receive digital signals as effectively as analog signals for technical reasons. 由于技术原因,一些农村地区并不能像接受模拟信号那样有效地接收到数字信号。
High speed digital signals exhibit RF behavior in real-world devices, which creates a need for RF or microwave components when routing these signals in test systems. 在实际器件中,高速数字信号呈现RF特征,因此在测试系统中路由这些信号时就需要RF或微波器件。
The relaying inputs are currents and voltages-or, to a lesser extent – digital signals indicating contact status. 继电保护的输入是电压和电流,或较少的是指示触头状态的数字信号。
Voice encoders may be further enhanced by encoding digital signals at variable encoding rates. 语音编码器可以通过在可变编码率编码数字信号进一步加强。
Digital signals turn the complexity of the real world into a code based on the numbers 0 and 1, or, in electrical terms, plus and minus. 数字信号将人世间纷繁复杂的事物变为数字0和1用电学术语来说,也就是正和负。
Bit sequences are digital signals varying with time. 二进制序列是随时间变化的数字信号。
Modulation recognition of digital signals using spectral correlation and assembled neural networks 基于谱相关特性和组合神经网络的数字调制信号识别
The Optical-Fiber Transmission System of Multiple Audio Digital Signals 多路音频信号的数字化光纤传输系统
Application of Walsh transformation to digital signals proceeding and transmission 沃尔什变换对数字信号处理及传输的应用
Performance analysis of spectrum estimation algorithm for different digital signals 不同特征数字信号的谱估计算法性能分析
Modulation Types Recognition of Digital Signals Based on Neural Network 基于神经网络的数字信号调制方式识别
Improved method of digital signals modulation identification based on decision theory 对基于决策论的数字信号调制识别方法的改进
These cables are to be used specifically on computers for the transmission of digital signals. 此型号电缆适用于传输数字讯号的电脑连接专用线。
Using the technique of analog signals and digital signals transmitting in one Internet line which cut down the cost of the system. 与同类产品相比,传输介质只有一条网线,摆脱了视频线与信号线必须同时使用的现象,降低了成本。
Characteristics of Digital Signals in Generalized Rice Channel 数字信号通过通用Rice衰落信道传输的性能
An audio compressor converts analog audio signals into digital signals for transmission or storage. 一个声音的压缩物对于传输或储藏进入数传信号之内转换类比声音信号。
Though the computer can process the digital signals, the analog signals to be processed by computer must be converted into the digital ones. 计算机可直接对数字量进行处理,对于模拟量需将其转换为数字量后才能被计算机接受。
A modem is a device that converts between analog and digital signals. 调制解调器是在模拟和数字信号之间进行转换的设备。
A modem converts the digital signals of the sending computer to analog signals that can be transmitted through telephone lines. 调制解调器将发送端计算机的数字信号转换成可通过电话线传输的模拟信号。
The encoded digital signals are better than the analog signals in the communication quality. 经过编码后的数字信号在通信质量方面比模拟对信号要好。
In particular to such a circuit that directly digitizes analog battery cell voltage levels into associated digital signals. 特别是一种直接把电池电压模拟信号转化成数字信号的电路。
The digital inputs allow the state of external digital signals to be determined by the controller. 利用数字输入,控制器可以确定外部数字信号的状态。
It is shown that an electrified railway tunnel is an effective channel for transmission of language and slow digital signals. 研究表明,电气化铁路隧道是语音和低速数字信号传输的有效信道。
After analysis, the decomposition and reconstruction algorithms in matrix form for the digital signals of finite length under orthogonal and compactly supported wavelet transformation are obtained. 得到了有限长度的数字信号在紧支集正交小波变换下分解与合成算法的矩阵形式。